Sunday, July 12, 2009

Are you looking for a short cut?

This new site GenWalBru will give it to you!

It covers the southern part of Belgium and Brussels
An alphabetical listing of localities will redirect you to the site where that town's particular records can be found online.

This is a brand new site announced this morning by Michel Toussaint who has done extensive indexing for the Bouillon area.
Its creation stems in the wish to create a place where people could find easy access to FREE records online

In the column to the left you will have a choice of selections.

You will find the locality listing under "Depouillements"

Under "Bibliotheque, they have placed downloadable books the researchers should find interesting, including two on witch hunts by Abbé C.G Roland
- Sorcellerie dans le comté de Namur: Début de l'époque moderne (1509-1646)
- Sorcellerie à Noville-les Bois: Epidémie de sorcellerie au début du 17ième siècle

Look-ups are available for other books, concentrating on particular surnames: ROBIN, ANCIAUX, NICOLAS, BROGNIET.

"Fichiers Utiles" will contain a growing number of items you should find helpful too.

and do you remember talking about paleography?
They have a page dedicated to it and invite you to submit your questions to their mailing list: GenWalBru Yahoogroup

On that same mailing list they welcome requests for help with translations as well.

Sounds like this was well worth sharing with everyone.
Thank You Michel Toussaint!